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A real Gefilte fish recipe from the owner of Omnivore gastrobar in Haifa Olga Goral

Welcoming the coming 5779 following delicious Ashkenazi traditions with stuffed fish at the head of the New Year table. Remembering our barefooted childhood, grannies and grandpas and create gefilte fish in our own kitchen.


Carp (filet, head and spine) 1 kg

Pike perch or similar sea fish  — 500 gr

Carrot1 kg (500/500)

Onion1 kg (750/250)

Beet250 gr

Butter80 gr

Sugar1 table spoon

White spongy bread100 gr

Wheat farina80 gr

Egg2 pc

Gelatin2 stripes

Salt, pepperto taste

Making cutlets:

Mix fish filet, onion (one half steam in butter with sugar, the other half leave raw), carrot, bread sponge, wheat farina, eggs, salt, pepper. Fry till crispy crust but not until done.

Put fish entrails, the rest carrot, beet, onion, preliminary washed onion skins,   to a big cooker, alternating layers with cutlets. Also put peppercorn there.

Pour water, put some more salt, simmer minimum for 3 hours.

Take cutlets out, put on a flat dish. Sift the broth, share in two halves. Dilute gelatin in one part, add to cutlets and put to the fridge.

Boil potatoes in the other part, it should be pinkish.

Serve the fish cold with potatoes and horse radish.

You can try the original dish on September 9, 10, 11 in Omnivore in a special holiday menu.

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